English Lesson 105: Journey to the Center of the Earth

In this portion of the tale, the little group composed of Harry, Von, and Hans are about to embark on a sea voyage on the Central Sea, so named by Von. The place where they leave they call Port Gretchen.

They travel for some time, and even catch a fish that had been extinct for thousands of years. Not only that, it was blind and had no organs. Harry falls into a trance, in whichĀ he imagines long gone animals walking on the shores to his right and left, as well as extinct birds flying through the air. He almost falls off the boat had not Von snapped him out of the trance.

They try to find the depth of the sea, only to find that the metal crowbar that they used is now mangled from a huge bite. Harry, preferring to be safe than sorry, inspects the weapons.

Travelling under the fear of some colossal creature coming out of the depths and eating them with one bite filled their minds.Ā Finally though, they meet the real threat too close for comfort. They were looking at two extinct sea monsters fighting each other.

The fight lasted for some time, sending up huge waves in the process. Finally, one of them loses and They are able to continue with their course, only to face another problem. Storms. A huge one.Ā It breaks loose like an angry and vicious beast, pouring torrents of rain and hurling lightingĀ everywhere.

The storm passes after several days, and they finally make it to an island. This island has one geyser on it, spewing water at extremeĀ temperatures. They nameĀ this islandĀ Henry’s Island.

Once they actually make it on shore, they realize a very, very badĀ thing. The wind had turned their course around!

Posted in English, Journey to the cnter of the Earth

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