Math Lesson 122: Solving Inequalities

Wait, what?! Inequalities can be solved?! Yep, they can, but not really in the sense that you’re thinking. Let’s say that we have an inequality: 3 + x < 7. How can we figure out all of the potential values for x?

All we have to do is subtract 3 from both sides, and we get that x has to be less than 4 to make that inequality true. Basically, it’s like trying to solve an equation, only substituting the equals sign for the inequality sign.

One further mention is that if you’re trying to plot an inequality on a number line, you just have to solve the inequality first, figure out where the x is going to be, and draw an arrow either to the left or to the right to indicate if the value of x is going to be either more than or less than.

One last thing. If you have to multiply or divide by a negative number, the inequality sign switches., meaning that if it was a greater than symbol, it’s now a less than symbol and vise versa.

Posted in Algebra, Internet Math, Math

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