English Lesson 117: Little Men

In these chapters of the book Little Men, namely 13-15, several things happen. In chapter 13, the book describes what influence a girl who the members of Plumsfield named Goldilocks. Goldilocks is a little toddler, probably not older than 4 or 5, who looks like Goldilocks. She has gold hair that’s below her waist, and has blue eyes.

Anyway, the boys and girls are fond of her, since she is such a kind and beautiful girl. Her influence even ends up turning Nan into a more controllable little girl. In fact to the point of making her want to sew to please the little girl.

Stuffy, who is named so because of his eating habits, even finds the amount of self-restriction necessary to give away some of his most favorite candies just to please the ‘Princess’, as the boys and girls also call her.

In chapter 14, Tommy, through his egg sales, manages to get $5. He is very proud of his latest dollar, which consists of 4 quarters. He shows this to Nat, who has $3, and desperately wants 1 more to get his own violin.

Well, in the next morning, Tommy wakes up to find that his $1 is stolen. Nobody except Nat knows about where he kept his money,  and so naturally all the blame is set on Nat. But Nat, being the kind heart that he is, can’t take the distrust and sometimes hatred that he gets for being wrongly accused of the crime, and falls into despair.

But Dan is there to help him. When Dan hears Ned, a boy that is very curious about everything, nettling Nat about who stole the dollar, he immediately reacts, threatening to thrash Ned if hen pesters Nat.

Nat is immensely grateful, but Dan convinces him and everybody else that he is the one that stole the coins. Ever since that confession comes up, Dan stops talking to anyone. At last, the only thing that manages to save him is a note left by the culprit, Jack.

In chapter 15, the boys want to make it up to Dan for thinking that he was the one that stole the dollar. Their idea was to buy Dan a microscope on Tom’s part, and a bug catcher on Nat’s part.

Meanwhile, Dan is struggling with his own problems. He still hasn’t gotten a hold on his swearing, which is a major problem for him. He talks this over with Demi, who gives him sort of a solution. Demi tells Dan about how he manages to get a hold on the bad things that he does, by imagining that his mind is a sort of room, with a bunch of drawers in it. The spirit that lives there has to put away and lock the bad things, and put to light the things that he does that are good.

At last, Jack comes back, since his uncle wouldn’t let him go. It takes a long time for him to earn the trust of his comrades back, but when does, it’s like Christmas for him.

Posted in English, Little Men

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